Sunday, February 5, 2012


Love tricked me. Love trapped me. Love blinded me. Love took advantage of me.
I thought I had love. 
Love made a terrible thing seem okay. 
Love took and love left 

Love showed it's true colors, love wasn't love after all. 

Love is unique, love is different
Love is all around
Love may be permanent
Love has honest motivations, love has pure intentions 

I dream of love, I dream of the perfect moments that come with it 
I dream of a love that only gets stronger
I have love to give

One day I will love being in love, love will be like summer
This love will love me the way love should 
I will trust this love, and this love won't burn.
Love will be flawless. 


  1. I really like this line "This love will love me the way love should."

  2. ^^^^^ I like what she said too. Sometimes people think they have love when in reality it's anything but.

  3. Love has honest motivations, love has pure intentions.

    This line is my favorite because it's a very black and white statement. If someone's in it for the money then it's not really love. If someone's in it for the fame, fortune, glory, popularity, then it's not love. It becomes a lust for social status and acceptance. Keep it up I really like your blog posts

  4. I love that you take a negative experience with love and turn it in to a lesson and hope of what love should be and how love should treat you and make you feel. :)

  5. I loved your post all i have to say is STAND STRONG
    one day you will be in love and you will be the queen of his life

  6. i like the color contrast, darker red for the bad, and lighter red for the hopeful part. it adds a lot to the post

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Love made a terrible thing seem okay.
    <--- This is the line I stole
