Sunday, February 26, 2012

Death & Life

I think death would be easy.
What's there to worry about when you're dead?
All day and all night I stress about stupid things that I know are ridiculous but I can never stop
until I'm dead
Death could be freedom, out with the old. and if the lights turn off for good no one will care.
cuz we'll all be dead. 
Everyone's dead inside anyway, so we might as well be dead. 
You're dead to me. 


Life is being at the top of a mountain and breathing in the fresh air. 
Living is a verb
Life is probably worth it
Living could be an illusion

Lone Peak needs a little more life, we can't take anymore death. 
RIP: Brandon, Micah, & Jacob

Sunday, February 19, 2012


I'm afraid of wolves
I'm afraid of wearing my hair in a ponytail
I'm afraid of being in big groups of people
I'm afraid of being on fire

I am supposed to inspire them, make them feel united. I'm afraid I won't know what to say. I'm afraid they'll look to me and I will fail.

All that fear wants is to drag me down, and keep me from taking care of my responsibilities. Fear doesn't want me to touch my potential, Fear wants me to hide.

Fear tells me that I'm not important, fear tells me that I shouldn't try.

Fear isn't good company.
Fear isn't worth my energy.
Fear is lying.
I'm not listening to fear anymore.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

A Moment of Thoughts

I'm thinking about you like birds think about flying; like people think about lying. 
I'm thinking about you like planes think about soaring; like clouds think about pouring. 
I'm thinking about you like lungs think about breath; like desperate people think about death. 

I'm thinking about dancing in the dark, I'm thinking about that look, I'm thinking about what you're doing to my world
I'm thinking about running away. 
I think you will change everything. I think I'm okay with that 

I     M     T     H     I     N     K     I     N     G     A     B     O     U     T     Y     O     U

The thing about thinking is that when you think too hard, you can't think anymore. 
Dwelling on thoughts will rot your soul. 

Sunday, February 5, 2012


Love tricked me. Love trapped me. Love blinded me. Love took advantage of me.
I thought I had love. 
Love made a terrible thing seem okay. 
Love took and love left 

Love showed it's true colors, love wasn't love after all. 

Love is unique, love is different
Love is all around
Love may be permanent
Love has honest motivations, love has pure intentions 

I dream of love, I dream of the perfect moments that come with it 
I dream of a love that only gets stronger
I have love to give

One day I will love being in love, love will be like summer
This love will love me the way love should 
I will trust this love, and this love won't burn.
Love will be flawless.