Monday, April 30, 2012

Belt Loops

well, today I decided not to think about you
because thoughts of you drag me down
so I set the dial on my brain to block you out
and every time a little thought of you would creep in
my frontal lobe would squish its guts

I was doing very well
but then I saw your dad
then later, your sister
it was the universe was doing everything in it's power
to keep you wrapped up inside my skull

I  g u e s s  t h a t s  w h e r e  y o u  b e l o n g . 

But maybe if I fight thoughts of you with all my might
the universe will do what it did today
and everyday I don't think about you
it will pull you closer to me

I am going to trick the universe
with a little old fashion reverse psychology

yes, this plan is perfect
fool proof

and when it drops you right in front of me
I'll tie our left hands together
and hook our belt loops with a bungee chord

Then, everything will be perfect.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Egg Shells

Sometimes I don’t feel a thing
beneath my face is just a grey stone 
I can make them all think I care
My eyes know just when to light up
Sometimes I feel a shell forming on my skin
and if I try to move from it’s mold it breaks and pierces me
My roots don’t want soil to burrow in
they just want to sway in the wind and smell new smells
One time, you told me you loved me
but it bounced off my shell and shattered on the ground
I wanted to catch it on the way down
but my knees wouldn’t bend
Everyday my shell grows thicker
But one day
I’m going to meet someone with a hammer
or a band saw
and once they break through the shell
they can tell me that they love me
and it will just absorb into my soft skin